Saturday, November 7, 2009

True Taters

We played "Bible Game" Thursday evening! It's kind of like "Wheel of Fortune" without the wheel. We run throughout the room, from team-to-team, Moooovers, Shakers, and Couch Potatoes, with a bag of letters. As teams draw letters from the bag they appear on the screen to reveal a Bible verse. It's another crazy mixed up way to reveal God's word to our group in a (sometimes) wildly fun game. The first team to correctly say the verse out loud wins! My favorite team won...the Couch Taters. I don't really have a favorite, I just like the name and the concept behind it. I'm a bit lazy at heart.

You wouldn't know my wife and I are lazy 'cause we're almost always wildly on the move, doin' stuff..., but we are true "couch potatoes." Maybe we're just tired of "doin'" and that's why we feel lazy. Maybe it's the fact that we are "true" sinners at heart and we know Jesus has done it all so we can afford to be lazy. I don't know. I am thankful for this week's devotion that highlighted that Jesus came for sinners, not the righteous, and that He wants obedience, not sacrifice.

Most days...we want to obey God's word, but have a hard time figuring out what that looks like in our daily life. That could be why we're constantly doin' something for someone else. Maybe us sinners just won't ever get it; so we mix up righteous works, sacrifice, and what we think is obedience at the time into this mishmash of godly-goop we call our faith. Most days we question what the heck we're doing, and is it truly God's will. I don't know. Either-way, we know Jesus has done it all, so we can afford to be wrong in how we organize our lives as long as we trust that He saved us by taking the penalty of death for our sin. Everything we do has consequences. Every action has a reaction. As wild as our days can be sometimes, it is the couch potato in me that is joyful in trusting God's consequences, and His reaction to my sins. This trust comes from reading His words everyday. Did you play the "Bible Game" today? If so, you've revealed something to give you rest...something every sinning spud desires.

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