Saturday, November 14, 2009

To Dust You Shall Return

A Chalk Talk happened Thursday... I am always amazed by the wonder of watching an artist work. In a chalk talk evening an artist expresses how God has touched our lives with a canvas, and some dust in a tube. In Ephesians it says that our battles are not of the flesh, but of the spirit, and that we should be aware of this. In a chalk talk, the wonder of Adonai is demonstrated as the light/spirit changes and the beauty of our Creator is shown. Chris and Kathy have been coming and sharing this with their Chalk Talk for years. They always bring something "home" for everyone at COF. Wednesday was Veteran's Day and on Thursday Chris and Kathy came drawing the agape gift that our soldiers have given us here in the United States of America; unconditional love and sacrifice,...words can never express. ( I pray the pictures do.)

Whether you agree with war or not (it happens,) it is hard to argue that our soldiers have always given all for us. Jesus did likewise. He was either right, wrong, or crazy, but he gave everything for us. You have to read and decide. Read the Bible and what He said and think for yourself. The Bible has never been proven wrong. As time moves on it is proven more and more right. (I don't know how or why anyone would care about proving a faith though; either you believe or you don't.) As you read you will be moved either way, like grasping what our veterans have done for us. They have given their lives as Jesus gave his. Read the Bible. When you're finished I can guarantee one thing: you will understand that you are no more than dust. One day you will return to that same state. How are you living with the dust you have been given?

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